Carrie Prejean Miss California USA Dating Michael Phelps

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

14-times Olympic gold medal winner Michael Phelps reportedly is dating 2009 Miss USA runner-up Carrie Prejean. The first media which brings the news to public's notice is Radar Online, claiming in an exclusive report on its site that Carrie's grandmother Jeanette Coppolla has confirmed the twosome's love relationship.

"Carrie and Michael have been out to baseball games and lunch," Jeanette says in a statement. "He always calls her when he is in town and they go out." Jeanette goes on revealing, "Carrie knows that he has dated a lot of girls but she enjoys going out with him and isn't serious about being in a relationship with him," adding that "he's a nice guy and she likes him."

As of press time, Michael has not yet made comment on Radar Online's report. Carrie herself previously has avoided addressing the dating rumors. When asked by Miss USA pageant host Billy Bush on the nature of her relationship with Michael, she said "That's not appropriate to answer right now. He's a great man ... You can call me on a later day and we can talk about that."

Carrie Prejean Miss California USA Dating Michael Phelps


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